Tuesday, October 28, 2008


It's been tried time after time and failed. There is only one moral (that means no one uses force to take your money) economic system. Capitalism. Every other system must take your money for their needs. Behind every other system their is someone with a gun to force their agenda on you.

A government exists for only three basic reasons. An army to protect us from others that would try to conquer us by force. A police force to prevent us from preying on each other, and a judge to arbiotrate disputes between us. That's it.

A government has no business trying to run our lives by taking our freedom of choice. As long as we don't initiate the use of force, we should have the freedom to do what we see as bettering our own lives.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Reparations for Blacks

Someone should ask Obama if he would support reparations for blacks as payment for slavery.

If he says yes, he would lose the election outright because there would be a very large backlash from whites. If he says no, the black community would scream bloody murder and the uproar would lose him the election.

Could it be that the recent focus on mortgages for people who can't afford it is no more than an attempt to start that ball rolling? Will Obama bring this subject to the forefront if he is elected, having both houses of congress to support it?

It may start slow, but ti think it's coming.