Tuesday, July 08, 2008


In every election, we have grown used to candidates moving from right to center, left to center, center to left or right, or anywhere in between. This has become to be known as "tacking", a word associated with sailing where the vessel moves back and forth in a zig zag across a line of sight marked by the destination in the distance. This is done to take advantage of the wind, if the wind is not a tail wind, in order to creep toward the end point.

We have become accustomed to candidates changing their positions on various issues as the election grinds on. The problem is that we look at "tacking" as a normal, expected action. No candidate ever just takes a stand, win or lose, rather than compromise just to get elected. No one stands on principle and the public doesn't even recognize that the candidates presented to them are no more than used car salesmen, telling them what they want to hear just to close the deal.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Focus Group Politics

I watched a focus group sponsored by the Annenberg Public Policy Center a couple of nights ago. The conductor was a guy that normally does polls for NBC-Wall Street Journal.

The questions he asked were the most leading and biased you could imagine, and played into the ignorance of the 12 subjects in the group. At one point he brought up race in the coming election. It was clear that the folks in the room became uneasy and tried to sound touchy-feely, to the point of talking about the safety of Obama. Finally, one respondent said that no one was even talking about race until the moderator brought it up. The moderator moved on, not acknowledging the observation.

The rest of the time that the subjects had the floor, there was zero content as regards to policy. It was all about charisma and how they "felt" about the candidate. Nothing was said by either the conductor or the subjects about the ramifications of the policies held up by the candidates.

Why don't these people have a clue? Because the education they get has long ago been given over to the liberals, who have treated students like mushrooms.....keeping them in the dark and feeding them crap. Feelings and image worship have become the ideal.

There is no longer standing up for what's right, because no one knows what's right. Polls and focus groups are all an orgy of ignorance leading ignorance.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Wesley Clark works for Hillary

Wesley Clark continues to hammer McCain on "experience" to be Commander in Chief even as Obama softly distances himself from the attacks. Why would Clark continue to use this tactic making Obama uneasy. Barry gives a speech about patriotism while Clark tries to tarnish McCain. If Clark keeps this up, it will reflect badly on Obama.

Why would Clark do this? Because he used to be a Hillary supporter.......and probably still is. This is so Clintonesk. I think Hillary still would like to see McCain win the election so that she can run against him in 2012. It will be interesting to see if other Hillary supporters "help" Obama.