Monday, June 30, 2008

Obama the Messiah

Obama's followers seem to treat him as the second coming. He is being elevated to god status. If he loses the election, will his followers curse the winner by saying "Bama damn it!"?

Someone should track Obama's "recalibrations". We could call it the " Obarometer". It would, after all be a predictor of a coming low pressure system and storm.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Supreme Court Recognizes an Individual right

So for the first time, the SCOTUS determined that the Second Amendment revolves around an individual freedom, and not a regulated militia per say. The language of the Amendment has been a source of dispute because it has been seen as vague, giving the liberal view something to point to as something other as an individual right, something that is self evident.

The ruling may have to do with guns, but the heart of the matter is one of self defense, pure and simple. Guns happen to be the state of the art. If the issue was presented a thousand years ago, the state of the art would be swords or the like.

Whether the tool for self defense is a gun, a bow and arrow, a box cutter, or a stone hand axe, the right of the individual to protect himself is absolute and is not subject to the speculation of a few judges.

Every creature on the planet has a tool for self defense. A bear has claws and teeth, as do cats, dogs, etc. Birds can escape by flight, although some have formidable beaks and talons. Some have camouflage. Man has his brain to utilize a stick or rock, or a shotgun. Or, on a larger scale, an aircraft carrier.

No matter the tool, a person has the right, just as any other creature, to defend hearth, person and home. And by the way, he also has the right to defend himself against a government, to which he has granted limited powers, that would usurp his individual rights. Hence the "well regulated militia".

Four members of the supreme Court voted to give more power to the government, a la King George, than keep it with the individual. They voted to return to a totalitarian state and suppress the freedom of the individual. You might say we dodged a bullet.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

T-Shirt Idea

Anybody want to order a T-shirt? I'm thinking of having a few printed.

They will be an identifier for those who wear them. The phrase on the front will say it all.

That phrase is:


I'm thinking of a nice olive drab or black shirt, with bold, gold lettering.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Town Hall Meetings

Since Obama only does well when delivering a speech from the podium with a teleprompter, and has rejected the invitation to join John McCain at 10 town hall meetings, I had offered a suggestion for McCain to represent Obama as a cardboard cut out with quotes that would fit any question that may arise from the audience.

Since it is unlikely that the McCain campaign would have the stones to employ that, I think they should, at least, have a sign at the town hall meetings that states that this will be a "teleprompter free zone". I think that would make the point.

Habeas corpus?

To strip the military of the authority to manage prisoners of war and place them under law enforcement, contrary to the policies in force since the beginning of time, is to tell the soldier that there is no reason to take prisoners in the first place. The vacuum formed by this new policy will be replaced by a well known action known as "double tap". No prisoner, no problem.

The Supreme Court has made the tedious job of prisoner maintenance.....moot.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Michelle is REALLY proud of America......for the first time.

Since the MSM wants to protect Michelle Obama from her own words, and attacks anyone who mentions them, there is only one sure way to define her mindset.

Cindy McCain should begin to be more public by making her own speeches. She should counter Michelle by highlighting Michelle's own words by speaking about the obvious. When Michelle says "This is the first time I've been really proud of America", Cindy should make a speech saying something like "I've always been proud of America because..........". This would draw the contrast between the two women and their mindsets and never having to mention Michelle by name, thus insulating her from MSM or Obama campaign attacks.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

McCain Town Hall Meetings

So today, Mcain proposes that he and Obama hold 10 town hall meetings before the Democratic convention in Denver. Obviously, he is trying to play against Obama's weekness away from a teleprompter.

It's an ok idea but rather feeble in presentation. Everyone knows that Obama will decline, so then McCain will use that to say "seeee". It makes the point, but won't last in the news cycles to come unless there is something about the meetings that cause them to take on a life of their own.

So John shows up at the first town meeting, as sheduled, even after Obama has declined the invitation. He brings with him a full size, cardboard cut out of Obama holding a microphone.
John Takes the first question and answers it as you would expect (or hope). When he concludes, John turns to The cardboard Obama and asks what he thinks. A pregnant silence. John looks around with a puzzled look. The audience laughs. The rest writes itself.